Pictured above is the National Park Passport which can be purchased at any National Park in the US, or From the Eastern National Park and Monument Association. Specific sections of the book are reserved for the National (1) and Regional (9) stamps which are issued annually. It is also sectioned off to place the "rubber stamp cancellations" which are obtained at every National Park site.
These are the "Rubber Stamp Cancellations which are obtained by going to the Visitor's Centers in each of the National Parks and stamping them in your book.
Theodore Roosevelt N.P.-Medora, N.D.
Badlands N.P-Interior, S.D
Mount Rushmore N.M.- Keystone, S.D.
Devil's Tower N.M.-Devil's Tower, WY.
These are the Original stamps which were sold from 1986 through 1992. Notice the fluted edges which make them look like stamps. The Black background is actually a plastic envelope with a clear face. The back of the stamp also had a glue coating which could have been used to stick it in the book, although most people used the envelope which was provided. The National Stamp is on the left and the Regional is on the right. 1 National along with 9 Regionals were sold per year. (See the replacements below)