Well we got another shock this year when Len and Rose Schultz from Norway, Michigan showed up on our doorstep unexpectedly.  This is the second time they've showed up right out of the blue.  This is becoming a regular occurrence.  The first time was in a Rest Area just inside the New Mexico border, the first year we went west for the winter.  We had stopped to pick up pamphlets and brochures, and of course our free map, When someone in a motorhome a couple of spots down was pounding on their windshield trying to get our attention.  This year they showed up at Walt and Kathy's unannounced, only to surprise us later when they showed up at our door soon after. 
We spent an afternoon walking the French Quarter in New Orleans, and shopping at the French Market.  We also just couldn't resist the Pralines calling to us to taste them.  Our second excursion was the "road trip to hell."  It was actually a driving tour to see the bayous and a sugar cane plantation.  Our journey would take us 155 miles and last until well after dark.  They were, however, some fun afternoons.
We have tried to feast on the cuisine of the region since we've been here.  Our first attempt was at Seafood World in Covington, LA.  It was a buffet that had several cajun delights including Gumbo, Hush Puppies, Catfish, Ribs and sweet/sour chicken, and it was all delicious. Our second sojourn into culinary excellence was a restaurant in the French Quarter in New Orleans.  There were six of us and we all ordered off the menu this time.  None of us was disappointed at the results.  From Catfish to Stuffed Shrimp and stuffed Crab, the food was excellent.  Another Restaurant we visited was Middendorf's after the "road trip from hell."  By this time we knew what we were doing and had no reason to look for a buffet.  We've been lucky to get really good food at all the places we've been to so far.  And the prices have been excellent.
We're now in Lafayette, LA in the heart of the cajun country.  It shouldn't be too hard to find some good restaurants here.  In fact we've already got a couple lined up. By the time we leave here, we'll be talking funny just like the rest of the locals.

Another issue of a Newsletter
called GOIN' SOUTH by
Bill and Sharon Rocheleau
Iron Mountain, Michigan 49801        
TO:  Our Friends and Relatives
  Big and Littletown
  AnyState, U.S.A.
Going South......WHY?
This year was the frosting on the cake as far as weather is concerned.  When I whined about shoveling snow before we left this year, Sharon said, "Don't worry about it, I'll shovel the damn snow."  That was a nice thought, but that's as far as it went.  How was I to know that she'd be working every time it snowed.
It started to fall out of the air at Thanksgiving this year and actually had the audacity to stay, instead of melt.  It'll melt, I thought to myself, as it began to accumulate.  It can't stay, I assured myself, it's too early.  Well, stay it did, and accumulate it did, until I refused to shovel it anymore, a week before Christmas.  I figured even if it kept snowing I could plow through at least another 2 feet on the ground.
By the time we left, I had to shovel 15" of snow off the roof of the motorhome, but at least the stuff on the ground would stay where it was until Spring.  Why shovel off the roof of the motorhome when it'll only blow off anyway, you ask.  Well, when those ice chunks start flying off, they invariably aim for the windshield of the car you're towing behind.

We visited a pair of National Parks while we were in New Orleans.  Both Parks were located in the French Quarter in New Orleans.  The first was The New Orleans Jazz National Historic Park.  And at the time we were there, they were having a free Jazz concert so we couldn't watch the interpretive film that is usually shown in the Visitor's Center.  We stayed for awhile to listen to the concert, and then returned to our shopping and sightseeing.
The second park was the Jean Lafitte National Historic Park.  Originally when we were here in 1993, the Lafitte Historic Park was located where the N.O. Jazz Historic Park is now.  The Lafitte Park has moved down Decatur Street to a beautiful building with interpretive exhibits.  The movie at Lafitte was only about 7 minutes long, but the displays were nice.  We got a very nice surprise when we arrived in Lafayette, LA.  An additional Visitor's Center for the Jean Lafitte Park that housed the Acadian Cultural Center was located here.  We saw a 40 minute movie that explained the Acadian plight from the 1700's until the present.

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