We went to the Catholic church for their pancake breakfast w/ cactus syrup again this week. Deelish!! I also loaded up and played BIG GAME HUNTER II on the computer this week. It was a Christmas present from Jess. I shot a Moose, Bear and a White-tailed deer on the first day. What a hunter!!! Sharon and I also took another trip into Algodones, Mexico just for a change of pace. I found a couple of leather vests which were a good deal. ($47 for both) Sharon got a Rolex watch($14) that was made in Japan by Mexicans. (According to the salesman)
"Or so" days - Jan 27 to Jan 31
It is now virtually impossible to drive anywhere in Quartzsite. It takes you 25 minutes to go a half mile in any direction. We have now moved out of our "full hookup" campground to a "no hookup" campground across the street. There will be 800 vendors moving into our campground today. On the 29th the Tyson Wells Sellarama will open. The Good Sam/Quartzsite RV and Recreation Show will open on the 30th. We also went back to the Cajun Food booth that we had seen previously and it was fabulous. We had a combination plate of Shrimp Creole, Red Beans and Rice and Shrimp Etoufette. All you can eat for $4.95. We call home occasionally and Sharon feels guilty about telling the kids how nice the weather has been so far this year. I have been in shorts and t-shirts since we got here, although the nights do get down to the 30's. I have a farmer's tan because there is no place to swim in a pool around here. Actually the days are really warm at between 70-80 degrees, but you stay indoors at night because of the temperature. Sharon says that she thinks about Jessica up at Marquette snowshoeing while we sit here tanning ourselves in the warm sun. I think Keri Koskinen and Mike will keep her company while she's out there freezing her butt off.
On Super Bowl Sunday we all got together over at Lazy Daze Campground where the Werden's and Petersen's are staying. We were all hoping that Green Bay was in that game, but what are you gonna' do. We ate burgers and sausage and hot dogs along with salads and brownies and adult beverages to chase it all down.
This stay here at Quartzsite has been a terrific experience. The town has grown from a sleepy little burg to a bustling "metropolis." Len and Rose have been fun and very compatible travelling companions, except for the cribbage games. And we have enjoyed everything about this month.
More Dish Woes
Just when I learned how to aim the satellite dish, they change the programming rules on me. DirecTV has informed us that we will not be able to receive network channels because of where we live. According to them, we can pick up the networks from an antenna at our home location. When we informed them that we were in a motorhome, that didn't seem to make much difference. Because of the stupid rules that we now had to deal with, we decided to change our address to a location that would allow us to receive the channels that we wanted.. We knew that we would be at this campground in Quartzsite for a month, so we changed our address to here. We informed DirecTV and they gave us ABC East/West, only. We still didn't have what we wanted. But after talking to a dish vendor about the situation, he told us that we were using a zip code that wouldn't work for our purposes. He gave us the new zip code and we returned to try again. DirecTV told us that if this new zip code didn't work, we might also lose the ABC that we already had. We told him to try it anyway, and it worked. We are now residents of Quartzsite, Arizona getting our mail at Iron Mountain, Michigan. I would have preferred to just tell them the truth, but frankly I really don't care where they think I live, as long as we get the TV channels we want.