Monday, February 15, 2016
Sharon was up and walking this morning early. She meandered around the campground only and didn’t have time to walk up to the corner. She got back in time for us to hit the road.
We were off to Breakfast this morning across the valley to Cathedral City and the Sunshine Café. We would be meeting Terry and JoAnn and we were hurrying to make sure we got there on time. It took us the better part of 25 minutes to get there. The place was crowded and we had to wait for a table, but after sitting down we enjoyed a very nice conversation and Breakfast. We also noticed that there was an apparent increase in the number of gays in attendance this morning. There always seems to be a few of them at the restaurant when we’re there, but this morning the “majority” of the diners seemed to be a little different.
After Breakfast we headed straight home. We sat around for the rest of the morning reading. Sharon was reading her Amish Book and I had started a new book from Newt Gingrich called “Duplicity.” It was a Christmas present, very much appreciated, from my Daughter Jennifer. I’m about a third of the way through it and it’s an awesome terrorist story.
By early afternoon we got a call from Terry and JoAnn saying they were thinking about stopping over and dipping in the pool this afternoon. We decided to wait for them, before we went ourselves, and sure enough they stopped over. The pool was crowded today and they remembered a few people that were over there, and a few people remembered them. We came back home about 4 and just sat around and talked with them.
After they left we had a brilliant idea. We had BBQed Ribs for Supper last night and we were going to have them again. We stripped all the meat off the bones, which was falling off anyway, and made sandwiches out of it. We had leftover fried potatoes and a fresh leafy salad. It all went together very well and it will certainly be improved on the next time we do it. For example, we could have buttered and toasted the buns before we filled them with meat.
While Terry and JoAnn were here I ran into the coach and taped my evening shows for later watching tonight. So after we were done eating, and after dishes, we sat down and gazed upon the magic tube for the next few hours. We had enough to watch, including a movie, to take us to eyelid slamming time. And tonight it turned out to be 11 o’clock.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
for reading and TV.
Sharon was up and walking this morning after getting out of bed at 9AM. She always comes back sweating and wondering why in the hell she did it. But she keeps getting back out there every day that she can. I’m proud of her for being so persistent. Since I’ve had issues with my legs, I don’t walk any distances anymore, for exercise or anything else.
We didn’t have anything to do or anywhere to go today, so while Sharon was out walking, I was listening to my usual dose of news on the television. After she got back and for the rest of the morning we sat and read. Neither of us was close to finishing our books, so we had plenty to read.
I ate a late lunch of Pigs in a Blanket today as Sharon grabbed a quick nap for herself. After she got up we took off for the pool. There were only 4 people in the pool but it quickly filled up for the rest of the afternoon. We were dodging bodies for the next couple of hours. When we went to leave at 4 the Hot Tub was a little TOO warm for my tastes and I only spent about 2 minutes in it, but it was still enough to keep me warm while I dried off.
We came home from the pool today to a Dinner of Sloppy Joes and Potato Salad. Everything was whipped up by Sharon, and it was all very good.
After Dinner we settled in for reading and TV. Sharon for reading and me for the TV. I don’t allow reading to affect my TV. I like sitting down and having something entertain ME. Sharon finally gave up the book after a while and came to roost in her rocking chair in front of the tv. We stayed the course until we finally drifted off for slumber about 10:30.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Sharon was up and walking this morning and I think this has become a regular thing for her. At least for the time being. It was another Taco Wednesday today and we have a couple of newbies we’ll be taking over there. Wayne and Anke Doughty
have been coming down from B.C. to spend their winters, for years, but have never been to the VFW. So we’ll introduce them to the “fine” Mexican food and the cold beer of the local Post.
Wayne and Anke just bought a new motorhome, and have no tow car, so we’ll pick them up at noon when it’s time to go.
When noon rolled around we left and drove down the road about 4 sites and picked them up for the trip over to the club. When we got there the parking lot was crowded but there just happened to be a car pulling out up front, and we took their spot. As we got inside, we realized that the parking lot was a good indicator of the number of people inside. It was very packed and we managed to barely find a spot at the end of a table for the 4 of us. Anke and I sat on the corners of the table. It was quite noisy in the Dining Room today, with groups of people standing up and doing the wave, for no other reason than to make noise. And in the back Dining Room normal conversation creates a din that you can hardly hear over. We could tell that they were groups from different campgrounds, cause when they left, they left together. One minute the place was full, and 5 minutes later we were the only ones in the Dining Room. By the time we left we were almost the only ones left in the place.
On the way home, when we dropped Wayne and Anke off, we said we would meet them in the pool later. And after a short nap we were off to the pool. It was crowded today and the water was very warm. It was so warm that the Hot Tub was very uncomfortable. I spent about 2 minutes in it and Sharon didn’t even bother to try.
When Anke left the pool she invited us over for a “Bon Voyage” drink tonight. They’ll be leaving tomorrow and heading for home in British Columbia.
We left the pool about an hour later and headed for home. As soon as we got dressed, we headed over to the Doughty’s. We sat and talked and tried to figure out next year but they only spend 4 weeks at Catalina Spa. The two weeks when they come down, and the two weeks before they head home. They spend the majority of the rest of the time at CRA (Colorado River Adventures) parks in Arizona. But hopefully we’ll see them again next year for at least a couple of weeks.
After coming home again, we were ready to camp out in front of the TV for the
rest of the night. We had enough to watch tonight and stayed up until the cows came home at 11.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
We were headed to Desert Hot Springs and the Cottage 2 for Breakfast this morning to meet with Terry and JoAnn and another couple. We didn’t know who the couple was until we walked in the door. It turned out to be Dick Smith from Martinez and his lady Diane. We met Dick and “Linda” several years ago through another friend, Phil and Joyce Bach. Linda has since, unfortunately, passed away. It was very nice to see Dick again which we haven’t done since last year. He always seems to come down in February every year cause it lines up with his intention to go to the NASCAR Race in Las Vegas.
After Breakfast we headed home to take care of a few things before we lit out for Wal-Mart on Monterrey Avenue. We decided to go here because the last time we went to the Wal-Mart on Ramon they were out of Electric Carts for me to shop. Today I managed to find the last one but it worked just fine for the entire time. We managed to finish our shopping in a timely manner and then leave.
By the time we got back the wind was blowing quite briskly today. In fact by the time we were ready to go to the pool we decided to skip it today. There are enough nice days now that we don’t have to force ourselves to go on a bad one.
We sat at home and read for the entire afternoon. My book is really getting to the nitty gritty now and all hell has broken loose at a foreign embassy. Newt Gingrich can spin quite an interesting yarn.
We had an experiment for Dinner tonight. I call it that when Sharon decides to try a new recipe on us. It was boneless Chicken Breast in a sauce made from wine, bacon and peas. She finished it off with Creamed Corn and Mashed Potatoes. It was really quite good and I think I’ll see it again cause Sharon enjoyed it too.
After dinner we got ready and headed out for the Upper Clubhouse for our regular game of Card Bingo. We got skunked tonight. We didn’t win a game for cash or even a poker hand for a candy bar. I think Sharon came close one time but didn’t score. We had a horrible run of bad luck tonight. But we had a good time anyway.
After getting back home we had a huge load of stuff on the DVR to catch up on. We watched a couple of shows and then headed for the bed around 10:30.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Sharon was off on her walk this morning and got home with nothing planned for the day.
We were up this morning, but no takers for Breakfast so we just stayed at home and cooked our own.
We watched our regular news show on Fox and read for the rest of the morning. It was a very relaxing morning and the first one we’ve had in weeks.
By noon we took off across the valley to Best Buy in Cathedral City. As usual I couldn’t find a person in the store to help me that wasn’t busy doing something else. I left without the Camcorder Battery that I had gone there for. I should just buy online instead of trying to get anything there.
After we left Best Buy we searched the immediate area for a Coldstone Creamery. We drove around a couple of malls having no luck what-so-ever. We came back home having taken a wasted trip altogether.
We really didn’t have any desire to go to the pool today so we just stayed home and read our books. My novel has turned into a page-turner and it’s really getting exciting. It is “Duplicity” by Newt Gingrich. It’s definitely a political thriller without the ugly partisanship.
For Dinner tonight we had a baked piece of Parmesan Encrusted Cod and Fried Potatoes and a Green Salad. It was an experiment but it tasted pretty good.
For the rest of the night we sat and watched the tube. We had programs recorded from last night and the shows from tonight to watch. We were tied up until 11 tonight and still didn’t watch all of our shows.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
We were off to North Palm Springs to Two Springs RV park for their Buffet Breakfast this morning. It seems that our Saturdays and Wednesdays are pre-determined. Saturdays at Two Springs and Wednesdays at the VFW. At least we know we’ll be eating at least twice in the week. We met Terry and JoAnn at the resort and had Breakfast with them. It wasn’t quite that busy this morning but it was busier than last week.
After Breakfast we headed back home to take care of some stuff and pick up my scooter, then we headed out to Palm Springs across the valley. We thought we would attend the Antique RV Show in downtown Palm Springs that Sharon found in the paper yesterday. It took us about a half hour to get over there but we stopped for gas at a station on Indian Canyon road that was selling gas for $1.99. That’s unbelievable for California. When you find it that fill up. Actually Terry told us about the station at Breakfast.
We got to Palm Springs about 11, we took the scooter out of the car since we were about a block and a half away from the entrance to the RV Show. We got up to the entrance and people were dividing into two lines. One for cash and one for credit. When Sharon asked how much admission was, “I said, NO WAY” They wanted $25 per person to look at old Rvs. I can fill my car with gas and drive to Indiana to the RV Hall of Fame, and look at old Rvs for less than that.
Needless to say we didn’t go in, and took off for downtown Palm Springs, on the way home. I decided to go the long, touristy way on the way home. It wasn’t much longer but we did go through Palm Springs on the way.
By the time we got back it was time for the pool. We went over there for the afternoon. Some woman was doing laps after we got there. She was monopolizing half the pool. Nobody had the guts to tell her nobody does that in this pool, including me. She did her laps for about a half hour before she stopped. Apparently the woman is quite arrogant in her dealing with others.
We came home from the pool at about 4:30 today since neither of us was very hungry. By the time Sharon made our Supper of Kielbasa and Red Beans and Rice, it was about 6 o’clock when we sat down and ate. It was very good after we had about 3 Bloody Marys apiece.
We didn’t have much TV on tonight but we had plenty on the DVR to watch. Although Sharon went to bed early at 9 and I stayed up until 11. It seems she can’t drink with the big guys. She seems to go to bed early when we have a couple of cocktails. I may have to cut off her liquor in the future.
Sunday, February 21, 2016.
Sharon was off and on her way to church this morning and I had already planted myself in front of the TV for the Sunday political shows. Everything was about Trump winning another primary, and Clinton squeaking out another one. I think that, as in the past we’ll get tired of all this crap by the Summer.
After Sharon left I cooked myself a nice Breakfast of an Omelette, Hash Browns and Toast since this was not going to be a “Tamale Sunday”. Unfortunately, Sharon showed up after church with Tamales. I had sneaking suspicion that we’d have Tamales this week and that last week was the weird, off week. We didn’t have them for lunch today since I had the big Breakfast.
I finished up my book today, and Sharon took a little nap before we went to the pool today. The pool wasn’t crowded today but there were quite a few people in there. We stayed until about 4:30 since Sharon didn’t have to cook Supper tonight. We would be eating our “lunch Tamales” after they were heated up. It didn’t take us long to nuke em’ and our Supper was ready to go.
While we were sitting and watching the Telly, Barb and Tom Gauthier from home started a game of Trivia Crack with us. We messed up the first game and got screwed on a couple of questions, and lost the game. But after we started up another game we got all the “button pressing” right and won a squeaker, 6-5. We stayed up watching TV for the rest of the night and headed for the bed at 11.