Monday, February 21, 2011
We got up this morning with a plan to go out for Breakfast this morning and then stay in town and mail some stuff out to Iron Mountain. Sharon opted to stay in bed late so that plan was out the window. And besides, today is Washington’s Birthday and a Holiday for postal workers, so the Post Office isn’t even open today.
After Sharon got up she told me she had no interest in any kind of exercise program today. She had actually slept through Curves and the program in the park. I had had a half of an Apple Fritter so I didn’t care about Breakfast by that time anyway.
After Sharon had her Breakfast we talked about going out for lunch somewhere. She suggested we go to Olive Garden cause we have a gift card that Jess & Mike gave us before we left home. It was a Christmas present and it seemed like a really good time o use it. At home I suggested that we use it in Green Bay on our way out, but Jess said we’d have to wait until after Christmas. Besides we decided in November that we’d go to Curly’s Pub at Lambeau Field when we stopped in Green Bay.
We called Terry and Jo-Anne to see if they wanted to go to Olive Garden for lunch and they said they would meet us there at 1 P.M. We’ve got about a half hour drive to get there over in Rancho Mirage, so we’ll have to give ourselves time to make it at 1.
When 12:30 rolled around we were already on the road headed south. We managed to get there just before one and Terry and Jo-Anne hadn’t arrived yet. The restaurant was what appeared to be very busy. We were told it would be a twenty minute wait so we went outside and found a bench in the sun. As we went outside Terry and Jo-Anne arrived. We waited about 15 minutes but as we went inside there were several tables with no customers. It seemed as though the reason we were waiting was because they didn’t have the help to take care of the people who were there. It seems it was such a shame that there were so many empty tables.
After lunch we came back home and it was about 3:30 and a little late for the pool. Besides it was still a little chilly today. So Sharon decided to take off with the laundry early instead of waiting until after the pool. She was gone about an hour and a half and still back in time for our usual TV programming for the night.
Having eaten a late lunch we weren’t hungry for supper so we just snacked later when we started getting hungry. We had some decent TV to watch tonight so there was no problem getting to the retirement point. At 10 we folded up the book, put away our glasses, and headed for the soft spot.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
We were off his morning to town for a Breakfast at the Cottage Too and then to stop at a couple of places to do a couple of errands.
We got in and out of the restaurant rather quickly today even though it was relatively busy. The food was good as usual and by 10 we were on our way again.
We needed to make a stop at the P:ost Office so Sharon could mail out some stickers to Stella at home. Even the Post Office was busy today. While I was sitting in the car waiting for Sharon, an older lady almost got into my car when she mistakenly took my car for hers. They were both white and who could blame her. All white cars look like clones to me also. Her husband stopped her before she actually opened the door.
From the Post Office we stopped at K-Mart to look for lawn chairs. We’ve been looking for new chairs for the past few months and we can’t seem to find what we want. Sharon had stopped over the other day and found what she thought we wanted, so we stopped today to pick them up. There were a couple different styles and we settled for one of them. Looking for lawn chairs is not an easy task anymore unless you’re looking for Director’s Chairs.
This afternoon we got ourselves ready for the pool again at our usual time. There were actually a few familiar faces in the pool today as opposed to yesterday. I think it may just have been the cold breeze that was keeping people away. The Parents and Browns were gone to Laughlin so we still won’t see them until tomorrow or the next day. We stayed at the pool til about 4 today and still got home in time to play Jeopardy. It’s the Teen Tournament this week so we know a lot of answers.
After watching NCIS tonight we searched the guide and found hardly a thing to watch, so we opted to go to the Upper Clubhouse tonight for the Karaoke. The last time we were up there it was a big sing-along with the whole room. I didn’t want to go to choir practice that night so we left. Tonight the crowd was small and I wondered if some other people felt the same way I did last time. There was a table in front with about 6 people who were drinking and monopolizing the mikes. We stayed for awhile but I had hurt my back, before coming up, and it was giving me some pain tonight.
We went back home and watched TV for the rest of the night. We even managed to stay up a little later than our usual bedtime. But the inevitable crash came anyway.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sharon was off to Curves this morning when she got up. She’s been slacking off over the past couple of weeks, but she’s going today. Sometimes she can’t decide whether she wants to go to Curves in the morning or just go over to the clubhouse exercise class. In any event she ends up not going to either.
Another Taco Wednesday rolled around and we had nobody to go over to the VFW with. Terry and Jo-Anne don’t go anymore cause he doesn’t drink and he doesn’t like Mexican-type food. We have no problem going by ourselves, but it’s always nice to go with someone. Phil and Joyce Bach will be back from home next week and they’ll go with us.
I decided that my Barber (Sharon) needed some work this week so I sat in the “Barber’s Chair” and got clipped. I had actually been thinking I needed a haircut over the past couple of days. It’s always nice to have your barber at your elbow so you don’t have to make appointments.
By lunchtime we were ready for the VFW and Taco Wednesday. We left at our usual time and found the club to be quite busy today. They hadn’t had the 50/50 drawing yet, and of course the people who bought tickets were still there, waiting for the numbers to be called. Right after the drawing there were about 30 people who left the club almost immediately and the seating opened up. We were there just long enough to put away a couple of pitchers of beer and eat lunch. We were back home again about two o’clock.
It was too early to go to the pool so we sat down in front of the tube for awhile which was a huge mistake. Our eyelids just slid shut and we awoke about 4. Now it was really too late to go to the pool. Besides the wind was blowing again and it would be cold walking back home again. At this point any excuse was sufficient.
By suppertime we opted out of eating anything until later on tonight. We settled in for our usual game of Jeopardy and then moved right into our nighttime entertainment. We had to surf and tape tonight to get enough to watch until 10. Bu we managed to make it quite nicely. We ended the siege at 10, raised the white flag, and surrendered to the night.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
We got up this morning with absolutely nothing to do for the day. Usually something always manages to come up during the day and then it ruins everything. The wind was blowing again today so the pool might be out of the question also.
We stayed pretty close to the motorhome all morning since the wind also made it a little bit chilly outside. After lunch we sat in front of the radio listening to Rush and I was still catching up on all the travel magazines I’ve been ordered to read and clean up. They’ve been hanging around the house and when I moved them into the motorhome for another year, I was informed that if I didn’t finish reading them they would be going into the garbage. Sharon allows me to page through and read about 3 a day as long as I’m making progress on the pile.
When the afternoon rolled around the wind was still blowing but we decided to go to the pool anyway. There was nobody that we knew in the pool, and as long as we stayed there, Regent and Francine were the only ones who came. We had a long discussion on Genealogy. We found out that Regent has an Aunt in Kamiskamang where my family originates from in Canada. We were at the pool early today cause we were invited over to Terry and Jo-Anne’s for Dinner tonight and had to leave the pool early. So about 3 we got out of the pool and headed home. There was still nobody there when we left.
We left for Outdoor Resorts at 3:30 picking up Jeannie (friend of Terry and Jo-Anne’s from Canada) on the way out of the park. It takes about 15 minutes to get to their park in Cathedral City across the highway. We were having ribs for Supper tonight and they found a new recipe for Crockpot Ribs. The ribs were good but they had a different taste than mine. But I don’t cook them in beer and that could have made them taste different. Bread and Potato Salad rounded out the meal and there were no complaints from any of us. We all walked away quite satisfied.
By the time we got home it was around 8:15 and I forgot to record any of our usual programs. Luckily they were just starting on our west networks. We missed about 15 minutes of the Big Bang Theory. By watching and taping we managed to get the rest of our usual programs. We didn’t have to stay up past bewitching hour tonight since we’ll probably watch the taped programs tomorrow night.
Friday, February 25, 2011
We got up this morning and the wind was howling. It didn’t seem to make a difference on the dish because my Fox and Friends had recorded this morning. It records from 3-6 in the morning. If I didn’t have the DVR I’d never see it while I’m out here in California every year.
The keyboard on our computer took a dump last night so we’ve been unable to send e-mail or for me to type my Journal. I’m actually typing it now on Saturday morning. Sharon went over to the office and put a note there for Brian, the computer guru here in the park. He will stop over today and check it out. I fear that were going to be buying a new computer. A couple of years ago the modem took a permanent vacation and now were having difficulty with the keyboard.
Brian made it over just after lunch and informed us that there was good news and bad news. He wasn’t too positive that he was going to be able to fix it. He did come up with a good suggestion, however. Pick up a USB keyboard at Wal-Mart and use that for the time being. By the time he left he had tried a different keyboard and it worked just fine.
After Brian left I took a shower and we got ready to go to Wal-Mart and do some shopping and to pick up a new keyboard. We had grocery shopping to do and I found the keyboard for $12. Quite a good deal since I really didn’t want to have to break in a new computer right now.
On the way home we stopped at Burger King and picked up a Fish Sandwich for Supper. We like their fish sandwiches better than anyone elses. After eating we headed home with our groceries.
Ron and Ev Muster called us to let us know that they were back from their excursion up north.
I camped in front of the TV again for another night which was just fine with me. We hung in there until our usual time for bed and then crashed and burned for the night.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I got up this morning with two days of Journal to write on a new keyboard. The keyboard worked surprisingly well and I got my Journal up to date quite quickly. It started raining last night and it looks like it will continue for some time into today. It’s not a heavy rain but just enough to depress a person and ruin their day. The rain actually became intermittent later this morning, and the sun even came out during showers. The wind is still present and the weather is downright chilly.
Ron and Ev called us this morning to see if we wanted to come over for Dinner tonight. They weren’t having anything special. We found out later that it was a Wild Rice Casserole that was very good.
After lunch we decided that the wind was too strong and the weather was too chilly to go to the pool. So I sat around and caught up on my magazines that I had to read according to the boss’s orders. I managed to get through another 5 or so that she dropped off at the Lower Clubhouse. We also caught up on the additional programs that we had taped on the DVR.
About 4 o’clock we got ready to go to the Musters tonight for Dinner. We got there early enough to have cocktail hour before we ate. We discussed their trip up north to Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National parks. They couldn’t get into any of them because of the weather, but they did manage to get into Death Valley National Park. Death Valley isn’t affected by the weather as much as the others. Supper was different but very good. The Crockpot Rice dish turned out very well. We had never had a Rice Casserole in the Crockpot before. We stayed a while after Dinner and just shot the bull and got home about 8:30.
We were still home in enough time to watch a few shows on the TV. I had taped some shows before we left for Dinner tonight and we watched a couple of those before we hit the hay for the night.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
We got up this morning and it was the dawning of a new day. The wind was gone, the sun was out and the temps are going to get warmer from now til the end of the week. We knew if we just waited long enough something was going to happen that would bring a smile to our faces.
Sharon was off to church this morning as soon as she got up. She was also planning on making a shopping trip out of it to K-Mart on the way home.
I finished up the Newsletter this morning while she was gone. After spell checking it she’ll proofread it for me when she gets home. “Spell check” doesn’t always work the way it should. I’ve found that out over the years. I’ve also found that I can’t proofread it myself cause I can’t spot the grammatical errors even though I wrote most or all of the stories myself.
Sharon got back home about 11 and decided that we’d have chicken salad sandwiches for lunch today. She whipped them up in about 15 minutes and they were very good.
After lunch Sharon decided that she was going to take a nap right up until pool time. I decided it was time for my daily shower and headed off to the bathroom. Sharon was back up again by the time I finished so I just got into my swimsuit after the shower.
We got to the pool at our usual time and their were finally some familiar faces bobbing in the water. It was a big joke that we hadn’t seen each other for days. The whole crew managed to find their way to the pool today. The water was very nice, just like it always is, and we stayed until about 4:30 today.
Sharon had made Chili yesterday and we intended to eat it then, but we went over to Ron and Ev’s for Dinner last night, so we saved the Chili for tonight. We did taste a couple of spoonfuls last night and it was fabulous to say the least. She baked some cornbread muffins tonight and they went very good with the Chili.
After Supper we watched some tube tonight but it was really bad for TV. We had to watch TruTV for most of the night. That was the only channel with shows we were interested in. We made it to 10 and then caved.