Monday, February 23, 2009
We were up this morning and on our way to Indio to another Doctor's appointment for 10:45 We were there for about a half hour and then we were on our way home again. We tried to figure out where we would be eating lunch today and we finally settled on the Green Burrito at Carl's Jr. It was on our way home so it didn't take us much out of our way. The Green Burrito used to have a Shrimp Burrito but they don't have anything that exotic anymore.
We wanted to go someplace quick because we wanted to get back to Catalina before 1 o'clock so we could check our mail today. Unfortunately we didn't make it by 1, so the mail would have to wait until tomorrow.
We had just enough time to get over to Desert Pools, where the motorhome was, to change our clothes and get ready for the pool. We managed to get back by 2 PM and all our friends were already in the pool. We stayed for at least a couple of hours before we took a dip in the hot tub and then returned home. We were back in time for Jeopardy before we had to get ready to go over to Terry and JoAnne's for Dinner tonight. They had invited another couple by the name of Bob and Carol and I think they're last name was Hardy. We would be having T-Bones tonight along with Asparagus and Baked Potatoes and Salad and Sourdough Bread. Everything was very good indeed. JoAnne had cookies and ice cream and little sweet rolls for dessert. It was all very good.
We sat around and talked til about 8:30 when I had to get home to watch "24" on the tube. When we left I think the whole party broke up which was a very unintended consequence.
In a few minutes I was home and settled in front of the tube for the night. We had missed the early showing of "24" which I usually watch. I watch it then cause if something happens, I still have the late version to catch, so I don't miss it.
This ended up to be a very successful day as everything fell right into place nicely. We were ready for bed at 11 and rolled right into bed.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The casino was going to receive a visit from the group this morning. Jon and Kris Fraser, a couple that we met last year, would be joining Terry and JoAnne and us for the Breakfast extravaganza today. And as usual, the food was excellent and we all walked away very satisfied that we had had enough.
Sharon took off with the laundry as soon as we got back home this morning. She only had a couple of loads but she wanted to make sure she caught it before it turned into 3 It had something to do with the number of machines that were available at any one time. By the time she got the laundry done it was time to go to the pool.
We headed over to the pool about 2 and all the usual participants were there. The Browns, Parents and Bertamini's had gotten there ahead of us and were in the process of noodling. We stayed for a couple of hours before we took our usual dip in the hot tub and then headed for home. We got home just before Jeopardy came on and we settled in front of the tube.
Neither of us was hungry for Supper tonight so we would be on our own again. A little later I found a pasty in the refrigerator so I had that for Supper. I don't know what Sharon ate, but I'm sure she had something.
The President interrupted TV tonight, and he had his usual things to say, with no specific solutions, except to spend a shitload of money. This is "Franklin Roosevelt" all over again when he prolonged the Depression by 8 years. I was more optimistic about the TV programs that were on tonight. Unfortunately I can't do anything about the President, but I can about the bad TV programming.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Well today was a "move day" even though we didn't move very far. Our trip down the road 1 mile took us very little time to accomplish, and we were set up and ready to go in about an hour. We'll make the same move in 2 weeks, only in reverse.
While Sharon was on her stroll to the office to pay for our campsite, she stopped at Terry and JoAnne's and we were invited over for coffee. Since we were all ready and set up, we obliged, willingly.
We stayed until almost the time to leave for "Taco Wednesday," today. Bob and Carol would be coming with us also, and would come over to the Bertamini's before we left for the VFW.
We motored over to the VFW around noon and surprisingly found a place for the 6 of us to sit when we got there. Sharon said it was because it was Ash Wednesday. All the Heathens would be eating at the VFW today. We didn't care and we went there to eat anyway. As usual, the food was as good as it always was in the past. The beer was also pretty good and after Bob and Carol left, we ordered another pitcher.
By the time we came home we were a little tipsy but we went to the pool anyway. We had heard that the pool was quite warm today. The gossip didn't disappoint. The temp of the pool was extremely warm today. Some people in the water had stated that it was 98 this morning. It really doesn't have to be THAT warm to keep me happy. We stayed at the pool til after Jeopardy today but Sharon opted out of the hot tub today, since the pool was so warm.
We were on our own for Supper again tonight since neither of us was hungry after a day at the VFW.
We settled in for our usual entertainment again tonight. Although there were a couple of good shows on. We finished off the night at 10 with CSI:NY at 10 and then headed for the darkness of the sleep chamber, where more noise goes on than in any other room of the motorhome. Go figure.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The wind has been blowing now for 2 solid days and the nights aren't any better. The Santa Anna's are whistling day and night. The gusts have to be approaching 50MPH or somewhere near there. The motorhome is rocking day and night without the fooling around.
We were just sitting around this morning when Terry and JoAnne stopped by for a few minutes. We offered them a cup of coffee and they stayed for awhile. They left in plenty of time to get ready for lunch. We would be going to Burgers and Beer with them and Bob and Carol.
About 12:30 they stopped by again to pick us up for our lunch together. I had been thinking about this day, and the Grilled Onion Burger that I would be ordering. I had ordered one down in Yuma while we were there and it was just fabulous.
We arrived the restaurant at 1 at the pre-designated time since we would be meeting Bob and Carol there, and not going with them. They arrived a few minutes after 1 to join us. Lunch was absolutely delicious and my Grilled Onion Burger didn't disappoint.
After lunch, the Bertaminis and us went to Sam's Club to pick up a few items. We really didn't have anything to pick up but we bought a giant box of Act II, Butter Lover's popcorn. It had 28 packages for $6.68. Quite the deal.
By the time we got home we didn't feel like going to the pool. With the wind blowing like it was it didn't seem like a fun thing to do. So we just settled into our respective lounging areas and took a nap. Even napping wasn't much fun with the motorhome rocking.
By Suppertime we weren't hungry for another meal so we both snacked. I had two plain donuts cut up and covered with strawberries and whipped cream. Sharon had Chocolate Ice Cream covered with strawberries and whipped cream. By the time I finished eating I realized that it wasn't really what I wanted to eat but I held off on eating anything else for tonight.
The wind was playing hell with the satellite dish tonight. This was the first time we actually had a problem in the wind. It usually just requires readjusting the alignment and then its fine. We never really lost the signal, but it was skipping dialogue during the programs.
In any event, we still made it til 10 before I had Sharon rub Ben-Gay on a sore shoulder of mine. I would go to bed tonight stinking like wintogreen.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sharon was off on her walk early this morning and while she was gone Terry and JoAnne stopped over. They were off on their walk also but they decided to stop for coffee on the way. They stayed until Sharon got back.
About 11 Sharon took off on a shopping trip in downtown Desert Hot Springs. She picked up a few things with coupons that she had gotten out of the Sunday paper. By the time she got back she was in a rotten mood. I guess she didn't have that much fun shopping.
By the time we had lunch it was time to go to the pool. We gathered up our towels and noodles and headed for the water. The pool was only about 89 today, but it was nice enough to stay in it for quite a while. The hot tub was 106 today and it was quite hot. I was waiting for someone to throw in the potatoes, carrots, celery and onions. Whew it was hot.
We came home and watched Jeopardy before we went to the VFW tonight for Ribs. Terry and JoAnne had wanted to come tonight after finding out about the ribs at Taco Wednesday. I ordered Shrimp cause I knew Sharon would give me a taste of her ribs. The Ribs were very good but still not as good as mine. They were very good tasting, but not cooked enough to get rid of the fat. They also had a very nice tasting BBQ Sauce on them.
After Dinner Terry and JoAnne came over for a couple of drinks and a little conversation. They will be moving tomorrow morning and going down to Indian Waters. They tried to get into Desert Pools but to no avail. They'll be back in a week for another couple of weeks, just as we've got to go to Desert Pools.
By the time they left, I was just in time to watch Numbers on the telly. After that, even I was ready for the padded room and the closed eyelids. Until tomorrow.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sharon was up this morning by the time I got up. This has happened a couple of times this year but she's always had a hard time sleeping for one reason or another. This morning her explanation for the early rising didn't meet her earlier excuses. She makes me laugh when she gets up early for no reason.
She was off on her walk almost immediately after I got up. It was still cold out so she put on her sweats before she left. By the time she got back, she was opening windows because it was too hot in here. Man, I hate it when she does that. Although, by that time, it had warmed up considerably.
I finished up the February Newsletter today. I had Sharon proofread it and everything was fine except for one misspelling. I immediately set about to print it and get it ready to send out. This one hopefully will be on time instead of 2 weeks late. By the time I finished printing, it was almost time for lunch. I had Breakfast instead.
Sharon came inside from reading her papers and had her lunch.
After my "lunch" I managed to get all the Newsletters labeled and ready for folding. With any luck I'll be back on schedule again by the end of the weekend.
At 2PM we were ready to head off toward the pool. The water in the pool today was very warm. Probably somewhere in the 92-95 degree range. I'm thinking more in the 95 degree range. In fact Sharon decided that she wasn't even going in the hot tub today because of the temp in the pool. We were in the pool splashing around for at least a couple of hours before the Browns and Parents showed up today. They told us that they were over at the Greek Festival in Palm Desert. Apparently it was quite small as it didn't take them long to get through it.
Sharon was making Meatloaf tonight as I arrived back at the hacienda. She was also going to church this afternoon and asked if I would fry potatoes for Supper. We would also be having sliced Carrots that she would heat up when she got home. This was the first time we actually sat down to a meal together in along time. It seems like we've been eating a lot of meals with Terry and JoAnne out somewhere. They, like us, are not particular where they eat as long as it has food.
We settled in for our usual entertainment tonight. We were mostly surfing and trying to catch something on the off channels. Saturday is a wonderful night for TV entertainment, if you're reading a book. We hung in there until 10 anyway and Sharon loaded up my shoulder with thera-gesic rub before she went to bed. I wanted to watch the movie "Goodfellas" since I had not seen it before. It would be over a midnight and I was determined to see it.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sharon was off on her walk this morning again and I just watched her walk away and leave me like she was never coming back. I knew better cause I have the wheels to get back home.
When she got back she sat outside and read her Newspapers while I finished up my Journal. When I was done I started cooking Breakfast while she took her shower We would be having Omelettes today with Hash Browns, Sausage and Toast. It was quite delicious as it had been a while since I had an omelette. I get a chance every week when we go to the casino for Breakfast, but I just can't waste the room I have in my stomach for something that I can make just as good myself.
After Breakfast it was time to just sit down and rest our Breakfast. By the time I woke up from THAT nap, my dishes were all ready to dry, waiting in the sink.
The Las Vegas NASCAR Race was already on TV so I watched that while I dried the dishes. It seemed like that race today went on and on.
At about 2:30 we got ready and took off for the pool. It was hot out today and we were hoping that they got the pool cooled down at least a couple of degrees. As luck or whatever else we may attribute it to, the pool was 92 today and perfect. This is the first time since December 21 that the pool has reached this particular temperature. Its been up and down, and all around the mulberry bush but never 92 and perfect.
Sharon had planned to have Spaghetti and Meatballs for Supper tonight and although we were late from leaving the pool, her plans didn't change. It was all very good and by the time we got done with Supper it was time to settle in for TV. There was half-way decent programming on tonight so I really didn't have any complaints.
I managed to stay up past 10 so there must have been something to watch tonight. Sharon pooped-out early but she's always heading to the bedroom and her puzzles. When I surfed tghrough the channels late tonight I caught the Rush Limbaugh speech that he gave at CPAC over the weekend. He was red hot and getting standing ovations. I wish I had seen it LIVE.