Monday, January 15, 2018

We didn’t feel any better this morning than we felt last night.  In fact if anything we felt worse.  It’s the same old story as I keep her awake for half the night coughing and hacking, and when she finally gets to sleep it’s only for short spurts.  By the time we both get up in the morning we both feel like a truck ran over us.
We haven’t gone anywhere for the last 5 or so days, in fact I haven’t even been out of the motorhome for the last 4.  It’s a good thing God invented Television.  The only good thing about this sickness is that it hasn’t cost us much in groceries.  We’re both too sick to eat.
One of these days we’ll wake up and get back to our normal lives.  We’ve got people to see and places to go.  We haven’t seen anybody since we arrived down here and that was almost two weeks ago
We spent another afternoon just sitting around and watching TV, and when Suppertime rolled around neither of us ate because neither of us was hungry.
We spent that night glued to the picture box.  I was actually tired early tonight so I went to bed about 10 taking my cough and my hack with me. And as usual it took me a while before I settled down and fell off to sleep.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Another day just as sick as yesterday.  I get tired of writing the same thing every day.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Not any better today, nothing to write.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Another wasted day but my excitement was ebbed by dumping the holding tanks today.  Sick still.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Still wasting away for another day.

Saturday, January 19, 2018

Maybe tomorrow, feeling like the light at the end of the tunnel is approaching.

Sunday, January 2018

Not feeling all that great but at least I’m back in the saddle again.  This has been the worst cold that we’ve ever experienced.  Sharon is still not feeling that well and we’re both hacking and coughing all night.
We went to the doctor last week and picked up medications and have been taking them all week.  But when it’s all due to allergies from local conditions you just have to suffer through it.
It Was Football Championship weekend this week and the teams play for bragging rights in the League.  We didn’t really have a dog in either of those fights so it was just a matter keep the TV on in the background.
We realized this morning that we have to pull ourselves together over the next week.  We’ve been here for 3 weeks and haven’t seen any of our friends yet.  We’ll be leaving in almost another week and if we don’t see them it will be a major disappointment.
The football games went off with a couple of surprises rolled in.  The Patriots pulled off a win in the last seconds but the Viking got rolled. I kinda felt bad and was hoping the Vikings would win.
Eating a meal still was not an option for us.  Sharon didn’t feel like cooking, and I didn’t feel like eating. We were a perfect match.
After the football games were over it was time to just sit and relax for the rest of the night.  We checked our TV options for the night and just settled in.
We both turned in early tonight after we ran out of programming.
We were coughing and hacking in bed early tonight.