.Monday, January 17, 2011
I woke up this morning coughing and hacking again. It’s almost like the generator exhaust is causing some of my problems. I could smell it last night while it was running and this morning I woke up like I’ve had a cold for the last week. I might be allergic to the exhaust.
We were all closed up and at the front gate of Catalina by 8 this morning. We quickly found a site right next to Phil and Joyce but we just couldn’t get into it. We quickly relocated and found another site that we slipped right into.
At 12:30 we picked up Phil and Joyce and headed toward the Pak Inn to meet Terry and Jo-Anne and Dick and Linda Smith, friends we met through Phil and Joyce. We were at the Pak Inn for about an hour and a half and filled our tanks very nicely.
After we came back home we went immediately to the pool since it was already 2 o’clock. For my part it was a huge mistake because the coughing and hacking started as soon as I hit the water. After about a half hour I just retreated from the pool, skipping the hot tub, and then got dressed and went home. Sharon came home about a half hour later and fought with me about going to Urgent Care in Desert Hot Springs. I didn’t feel like going, so I didn’t.
Neither of us was hungry for supper so we just passed on that meal. Later on we snacked and fended for ourselves.
We camped in front of the TV for the rest of the night and when it was time to go to bed I just relocated myself to my recliner instead of the bed. I just stayed in my recliner for the night and took short naps all night long.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Sharon was off to “Walk off the Pounds” this morning at the Lower Clubhouse and thoroughly enjoyed it. When she got back she told me it was quite a work-out. I was content to just sit around and nurse my cold back to health.
Dick Smith stopped over this morning just to visit for a few minutes. Linda stayed over at Phil and Joyce’s not wanting to catch anything I’ve got. I didn’t blame her.
After lunch Sharon went up to the Manager’s Meeting with Phil and Joyce. The meeting is always interesting because it never seems likes any of the suggestions are ever carried out. The park generally does what it wants to do.
By the time she got home from the meeting it was time to go to the Pool. Needless to say I wasn’t in the mood to go to the pool either. So I just sat at home and watched American Chopper repeats on the Telly. That’s what I usually do anyway until we go to the pool.
We had a Deli-chicken for supper tonight. Sharon had picked it up at Stater Brothers when she went shopping the other day. She also fried up some potatoes and we had peas to go along with it. Supper was nothing elaborate but it sure tasted good.
After Supper Sharon took out some allergy pills and I decided to take them. As it turned out they worked amazingly, even though they put me in nap mode for the rest of the night. I took a couple of snoozes while we watched TV tonight. I felt much better by the time we went to bed tonight. I was at least well-rested.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I was up this morning ready to face the world. I had a wonderful rest last night and felt much better today. Sharon was pleasantly surprised that I slept all night without coughing and hacking my way through.
Today is Taco Wednesday and it was up in the air whether I would go or not. But by the time noon rolled around I felt pretty good and we went for our Beer and Mexican food. It wasn’t real crowded today at the VFW when we got there, but that have been because we arrived a little late today.
I was still taking the antihistamines when we went to the VFW so the beer was probably not the best medicine to take today. By the time I got home the combination threw me for a loop and I sat in my recliner and fell asleep. I’ve never had medication knock me out like this before except for narcotic medicines. So I’m guessing that the combination of the two “medications” were enough to put me out. Sharon decided to stretch out on the couch as long as I was out cold also. We both slept until after 4 which was really too late to go to the pool.
Neither of us was hungry when Supper rolled around so we just whipped up our own snack to carry us over. I had a hot Meatloaf sandwich which sounded a lot better than it actually tasted.
It was windy for most of the day today and we were hoping it wouldn’t affect the dish for TV tonight. It actually interrupted the signal a couple of times but not enough to make any difference.
We hung in there tonight just long enough to get to 10 o’clock before we pulled the curtain and took our last curtain call.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I had a very good night last night sleeping all the way through , except when I was up to take another antihistamine pill.
Today was supposed to be a very nice day today. It has started off very nice so we’re hoping it will continue.
Sharon was off to her exercise class in the campground this morning and came home all sweaty and worn out. She loves the workout she gets over there. She said that she would do that every morning if she hadn’t paid for her Curves membership.
We had lunchmeat sandwiches for our noon meal today. Sharon had Meatloaf and I had Chicken. We complimented them with fried potatoes and chips, respectively.
We were off to the pool this afternoon with her leading the way and I followed her over when I was ready. As I walked into the pool area I was greeted with cheers from all the folks in the pool. I reported loudly, to the group, “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” They laughed.
We were only at the pool for a couple of hours but long enough for both of us to have been refreshed. It was a very enjoyable afternoon for a change. It’s the first one I’ve had since we moved back into Catalina.
Sharon took some Bratwurst out of the freezer tonight for Supper. She also heated up the leftover Fried Potatoes and we had something different for Dinner tonight.
We were camped in front of the tube tonight watching TV when Phil stopped over and asked if we were interested in going out for Breakfast tomorrow. So I guess we’ll be going to the Cottage Too in the morning. We watched the Telly until our usual bedtime and then caved like a cheap circus tent.
Friday, January 21, 2011
We were off this morning for Breakfast headed for the Cottage Too. Phil and Joyce picked us up at 9 and we went straight to the restaurant. We had to stop at Rite Aid on the way home for some more meds for the kid. The antihistamines are doing a fine job with the allergies I’ve acquired. As long as I take the pills every 4 hours the brunt of the symptoms seem to subside.
When we got back home I listened to Rush for awhile and then checked out American Chopper on TV. As 2PM rolled around we got ready to go to the pool.
It was such a nice day out today and the pool was very ice. The water was warmer today than its been over the last week or so. The water is always warm, but when it’s a degree or two colder you a chill from it when you stay in it for a couple of hours.
We came home and played our usual game of Jeopardy before supper. Sharon made us Ravioli and Meatballs for supper tonight. They were frozen Ravioli from Becky Spera, from home. We’ve had them in reserve since we left Iron Mountain, and Sharon made her own Meatballs. We chased them down with a little Garlic Bread to soak up the sauce. The meal was quite good, and when you can get Italian like that at home, why go out for it?
After supper we settled in front of the TV for the night and just surfed our entertainment for the evening. The networks are still playing re-runs with a few new shows thrown in. But the Discovery and History channels are filling in the gaps nicely.
We lasted until our usual time tonight and then went to bed and jammed our eyes closed.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
We got a phone call this morning from Ron and Ev Muster from Minnesota. They said they were in Tucumcari, NM headed this way and wondered where we were, and how long we would be here. We talked for about 5 minutes but we were really on our way out the door. (When we got back home I sent them an e-mail with our schedule for the rest of the winter)
We were off this morning for the few rummage sales that we found in the newspaper. The only trouble is that when you find one in a campground there is usually 10-12 sales in each one. And then you have to drive around the campground and find them which is sometimes a real challenge. The streets don’t always run “square” in some of these campgrounds. Sometimes it turns into a Chinese Fire Drill. We had about 5 sales and it took us from 9 -12 to complete them. Joyce was the only one who found anything to buy.
We were in town so we all decided to go to McDonald’s to get Big Macs for lunch. Although we didn’t all get Big Macs and two of us ordered off the dollar menu. I would have actually preferred to go to Carl’s Jr. And get a Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger, but I was outvoted. Oh well.
We came back home and it was almost time to go to the pool. I had dropped Sharon off at the office on the way into the park, and she came back with our mail. After she opened the mail, we headed off to the pool for the afternoon.
There was quite a few people in the pool when we got there, and the water was really a nice temperature. The thing is, is that the temperature of the pool has really been consistently nice this year. Sometimes its almost too warm when the outside temps hit into the high 70's and 80's.
When we got home tonight Sharon took off and headed for church in town. I sat and watched TV until she got back with the KFC for supper. An 8-piece Dinner is usually enough for two meals for us now-a-days.
We finished up the night in front of the idiot box and surfing for our entertainment for the night. We hung in there until our bedtime and then headed for the feathers for the night.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
We got up this morning with a big day planned and hoping we wouldn’t be disappointed by the end of the day. Starting off the day was a plan for a Big Breakfast that we haven’t had for quite some time. Bacon, Eggs, Hash Browns and Toast and it all turned out very good.
Also today at noon was the National Football Conference Championship game between the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers. This game will be one of the best chances for the Packers to get into the Super Bowl. We were literally planted in front of the Tube when noon rolled around and the game started. Green Bay jumped off to a quick 14 point lead and most of the people I know were very happy. And then Green Bay screwed around for three quarters and almost let Chicago catch up at the end of the game.
When the game was over we went to the pool to announce that we were in the big game. We were very happy to say the least.
We stayed at the pool late tonight since we didn’t arrive til about 3:30. Mo0st of the people who were there, stayed until we left, so I guess we weren’t that late.
We got home and decided to finish off the KFC we had leftover from last night’s Dinner. We still had enough for a full Dinner for the both of us and I was still very good. Sharon had put the chicken in the oven to freshen it up a bit and crisp it over. We still had mashed potatoes and cole slaw and even a biscuit that we shared. A little butter on it, and a little honey and yum, yum.
Another night of surfing took us right up to bedtime. It just happened to be another one of those nights with nothing to watch and we were happy to have a working remote control.